Entah apa jadi pengen nulis lagi....
Gimana ya?
Belakangan ini g sering mikir mengenai hidup ini... (aduh elah, org kayak gua mikir tentang idup?).. Yah g akuin rada gimana gitu, tapi karna udah berpikir sebaiknya buah pikiran itu gua tulis aja daripada mentok di pikiran terus kan gak maju-maju? Lebih baik ditulis? Betulkah begitu sodara?
G tuh mikir, apa sih masalah terbesar dalam hidup manusia?? Apakah kemiskinan? Kayaknya nggak deh, soalnya org kaya juga banyak yg bermasalah.... Apakah Penyakit? Waduh-waduh artis-artis itu org yg sehat loh.. coba liat kehidupannya... baguskah? Yah meskipun banyak (gak semua) yg berkutat di daerah seputar kawin, cerai, kawin lagi, cerai lagi, durhaka, pornografi, dll..... masih banyak juga artis yg lebih parah dari itu kok (ahaha becanda kok)...
Jadi apa dong? Yah setelah merenung-renung, g mengambil sebuah kesimpulan (semoga bener) Masalah terbesar manusia itu adalah "" apa maksudnya ""? maksud dari "" adalah void / kosong ..
Yah, kekosongan adalah masalah manusia, karna itu manusia selalu berusaha mengisi hidupnya dengan segala yang dia bisa. Ambil contoh ada orang kaya, sehat, terkenal, bla-bla-bla.... gak punya masalah deh.. apa yg akan terjadi? Pasti dia cari-cari masalah! (baca : tantangan) Ntah itu bikin Lembaga sosial kek, ato bisnis apa kek... Kenapa coba dia gak invest seluruh duitnya ke bank, beli rumah kecil, trus ngendog disitu ampe maut menjemput?? Yah, karena itu tadi, dia gak mao hidupnya kosong!
Tingkat bunuh diri di jepang tinggi loh! Selain karena budaya, ternyata (semoga gak salah) karena org jepang banyak yang udah gak punya tantangan lagi, jadi hidupnya bosen....
Coba liat film-film, emangnya ada cerita tanpa konflik? Gak ada bung.... Kenapa? Karena kalo gak ada konflik tuh film jadi kosong...
Got my point? Ato semakin bingung gak jelas? Gpp g jg lg bingung kok sekarang mo ngapain, ehehehehe....
Karena itu hidup kita jangan kita biarkan kosong, mari kita isi hidup ini dengan hal-hal yang positif... EIts! Tunggu dulu! Kalo tetep ngerasa kosong gimana? Nah, ini baru seru nih..
Betul kawan, hidup mah bakal terus kosong mo diisi ampe gila juga... karena kekosongan dalam diri manusia ituh kayak bottomless pit (gak berujung!) Gila gak tuh?? Karena Kekosongan manusia itu gak berujung, makanya harus diisi dengan yang tak terbatas juga. Apa itu "Yang Tak Terbatas" ? , pertanyaannya kurang tepat harusnya Siapa itu "Yang Tak Terbatas"?..
Jawabannya simple : cuma Tuhan aja kawan
Yah for me, sejak g betul-betul terima Kristus sebagai juruslamat (meskipun dari lahir sih.. hehehe seriusnya baru-baru) baru bottomless pitnya bisa tertutup... emang Tuhan Yesus Baik.... eheheh
OK, semoga memberkati....
Blog ini isinya segala curahan hati, perasaan, kejadian, keindahan, dan (semoga) keaslian dari Persekutuan Oikumene Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia. Kiranya menjadi berkat bagi semua pembaca, penulis, simpatisan, sampai yg apatis sekalipun. Kasih Kristus memberkati kita semua secara besar-besaran. Amin.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Do not think of what you do not have;
Instead, appreciate what you have and can still have.
Do not think of things lost;
Instead, value what you still have and may yet find.
Do not cry over spilled milk;
Instead, rejoice in what was left.
Do not think of what you are not;
Instead, be humble with what you are and can still become.
Do not think of what others say you are;
Instead, concern yourself with what you affirm to be.
Do not think of the hours and days past;
Instead, look eagerly to times that are yet to come.
Do not think of what you failed to do;
Instead, think of those that you were able to do and can still best do.
Do not think of mistakes committed;
Instead, count the things you did right.
Do not think much of the pain you have caused;
Instead, plan for ways to make amends.
Do not think of the sufferings you now bear;
Instead, look to the comfort when relief draws near.
Do not consume yourself with thoughts of what could have been;
Instead, marvel at what has become and will become.
Do not be anxious to attain greater happiness;
Instead, content yourself with the little things which bring you bliss.
Do not aspire to fill your cup at once;
Instead, have the patience to do it little by little.
And if by chance you fail, do not fret over the empty part on top;
Instead, celebrate the space filled up.
Do not condemn nature when it is at its worst;
Instead, think of the times when it was at its best.
Do not blame luck for things you miss;
Instead, learn from things in which you have been remiss.
Nor should you curse luck or others for life's misfortunes;
Instead, accept them as part of life.
I say then, Live fully, die a little,
Learn much but question less.
Have just enough but give much more,
Be contented each time to crave much less.
Doubt less and affirm a lot,
Understand more, and be understood less.
Worry a little but hope you must,
Accept all, resist the least.
For all things happen,
In due time they must.
By P. E. Calleja
Do not think of what you do not have;
Instead, appreciate what you have and can still have.
Do not think of things lost;
Instead, value what you still have and may yet find.
Do not cry over spilled milk;
Instead, rejoice in what was left.
Do not think of what you are not;
Instead, be humble with what you are and can still become.
Do not think of what others say you are;
Instead, concern yourself with what you affirm to be.
Do not think of the hours and days past;
Instead, look eagerly to times that are yet to come.
Do not think of what you failed to do;
Instead, think of those that you were able to do and can still best do.
Do not think of mistakes committed;
Instead, count the things you did right.
Do not think much of the pain you have caused;
Instead, plan for ways to make amends.
Do not think of the sufferings you now bear;
Instead, look to the comfort when relief draws near.
Do not consume yourself with thoughts of what could have been;
Instead, marvel at what has become and will become.
Do not be anxious to attain greater happiness;
Instead, content yourself with the little things which bring you bliss.
Do not aspire to fill your cup at once;
Instead, have the patience to do it little by little.
And if by chance you fail, do not fret over the empty part on top;
Instead, celebrate the space filled up.
Do not condemn nature when it is at its worst;
Instead, think of the times when it was at its best.
Do not blame luck for things you miss;
Instead, learn from things in which you have been remiss.
Nor should you curse luck or others for life's misfortunes;
Instead, accept them as part of life.
I say then, Live fully, die a little,
Learn much but question less.
Have just enough but give much more,
Be contented each time to crave much less.
Doubt less and affirm a lot,
Understand more, and be understood less.
Worry a little but hope you must,
Accept all, resist the least.
For all things happen,
In due time they must.
By P. E. Calleja
Hold On
Hold On
There have been times in my life
when all seemed lost.
Life just wasn't worth living
through another day.
Then you need to remember things
that are important to you.
For as low as we fall there is always
something or someone, somewhere,
to help pull you back
from the deep pits of darkness.
Once you feel yourself slipping
grab on to that something or someone.
We wonder why life has given us such
a bad deal. This is not to question.
Love, Hope and Faith will guide us.
Look around and find the things
you need to live for.
If we look hard enough,
we will find the place we need to be.
Hold on for your loved ones,
hold on for yourself. God will take you
when he needs you. Until then
make the most of what you have.
Give the most that you can,
love the best you can,
And never lose hope.
Each morning you wake up
Thank God you are still alive,
to live another day to find your way.
Life is truly worth living for, if you look.
Find that place you need to be
And just hold on.
Ann Taylor
There have been times in my life
when all seemed lost.
Life just wasn't worth living
through another day.
Then you need to remember things
that are important to you.
For as low as we fall there is always
something or someone, somewhere,
to help pull you back
from the deep pits of darkness.
Once you feel yourself slipping
grab on to that something or someone.
We wonder why life has given us such
a bad deal. This is not to question.
Love, Hope and Faith will guide us.
Look around and find the things
you need to live for.
If we look hard enough,
we will find the place we need to be.
Hold on for your loved ones,
hold on for yourself. God will take you
when he needs you. Until then
make the most of what you have.
Give the most that you can,
love the best you can,
And never lose hope.
Each morning you wake up
Thank God you are still alive,
to live another day to find your way.
Life is truly worth living for, if you look.
Find that place you need to be
And just hold on.
Ann Taylor
Hayo donk.....
Guys....Why is our blog seem so DRYYY????
Hey, temen2 hayo donk ngepost and gabung ato cuman liat2 and bikin comment buat Blog PO Fasilkom kita....Supaya kita jgua bisa sama2 bertumbuh...Kalo ada yang mau curhat ato sekeder bertanya something juga ga pa pa koq....
(baru mosting juga siy...:P...Ini juga gara2 liat postingannya Ramot ;))
Hey, temen2 hayo donk ngepost and gabung ato cuman liat2 and bikin comment buat Blog PO Fasilkom kita....Supaya kita jgua bisa sama2 bertumbuh...Kalo ada yang mau curhat ato sekeder bertanya something juga ga pa pa koq....
(baru mosting juga siy...:P...Ini juga gara2 liat postingannya Ramot ;))
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I stumbled upon few words in my friend's e-mail
What if God acts like us?
For in His hands God held a book;
It was the book of life.
God looked into His book and said
"Your name I cannot find
I was once was going to write it down...
But never found the time"
What if God acts like us?
For in His hands God held a book;
It was the book of life.
God looked into His book and said
"Your name I cannot find
I was once was going to write it down...
But never found the time"
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